Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Why is such a good white predator

Why is such a good white predator

There are some interesting birds that than OWL. it is also one of the most skilled bird predators around

Unlike most birds, and the OWL has eyes in front of his head instead of sides, marking it as a predator.Having eyes front allows them to target some incredible clarity. in addition, there are birds that gives them an excellent night vision edge over other predators while hunting at night. Their eyes are not perfect, however.

Many people are surprised to discover that cannot see the birds in color. They see the things around them in black and white, grayscale. In addition, in the eyes of birds that barash. This means that, if they want to see from side to side, their simple rotate their head.As luck has it, they do it better than other birds ' heads as they rotate to three quarters of play that allows them to actually all around them without moving. In addition, each of their eyes move independently. This gives them the ability to monitor simultaneously, focus simultaneously two items of interest.

Amazing almost like birds both ears eyes. Similarly like a bat, birds can be accurately pretty nail location of prey by sound alone. In addition, like the bat, birds with ears outsized which itself almost perfect that allows them to absorb sound. In addition, the time is not as sophisticated as that of a bat, the ears has the ability to give them to locate prey height black. This gives them the ability to accurately some unusual with pure sound to confirm some eyes, quietly attack before some even know that he is being persecuted.

  Same as with their vision, however, birds have a flaw in their hearing abilities. Their range of hearing is narrower than that of other birds. Birds can't hear sounds below seventy cycles per second.This is similar to a blind spot hearing them.

One main thing they are famous birds is their impressive hunting rootkits.They mainly eat mammals, birds and the other from time to time, field mice and other rodents.Its wings are shaped in such a way that dampened flight.This makes birds quiet supported when they attack. some frequently relies far, sound, to give them a warning of the attack due to the fault can fly rootkits, however, some of the OWL often does not even hear let's attack.

Although birds are active during the day, they mainly at night creatures. so, unless you are a man of the night, your chances of actually seeing the OWL action. are primarily during the day to sleep but really are one of the most interesting birds look when the action.

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