Sunday, October 31, 2010

Pigeon racing providers-points determining food, water,

Pigeon racing providers-points determining food, water,

Racing pigeon Suppplies-food 

When you see what the city parks, pigeons eat and see what keeps its pigeon bird feeds expert, you wonder how to survive. The diet of very varied, so need to supply your pigeon racing pigeons and complemented by who.

The world "race", exhibition of pigeon fancier same fanatical dedication on pigeon racing pigeons delivered is its birds to feeds.In this article I'll be unable to talk about the complexity of feeding hemp or Lei tils, etc. Such as those found in other places (links will be at the bottom of this article).

Unnecessary, it is important to give your birds a balanced diet of high-quality pigeons, racing pigeons.

Most of the ions and pigeon racing from merchants have food stock ions and contains corn, wheat; As Foley, millet.Other seeds that can be entered also barley, rolled oats, polished seed rice, lentils, vetches, Canary. Additionally you can include the amount of snail chicken pellets (pellets layers).Wild bird food gift good if you're having trouble finding the proper food.

Pigeon racing equipment must be kept dry and clean.The size of the container you use depends on the number of birds, but something big differentiator with lid to plastic dustbin is ideal.Other important point is to keep rats and mice.

The food should be hard and clean, which means that the grain should be hard as nails not dusty. wonders how the birds you can digest seeds, but having seen Woodpigeons with full cut of acorns, I know how good the digestive system has a pigeon. some people say that there is no need to feed wheat in the same season, as they suppose not difficult enough, but I think it depends on the season and the content of the grain moisture.

You can mix your own feed from wheat 50% basic and various grain; many people do it, but it's easy to start buying mixed product ready. I know at every moment that you can't touch the pigeon my beans or pellets, and some like corn grain too make birds fat or give them diahorrea.

Buying from a merchant feed is cheaper than the store pets. you can find feeds in your local trade merchants.

racing pigeon supplies

Pigeon racing equipment-water

Clean drinking water is essential; some fanciers give only their birds bottled water. There are some decides that can be added, such as garlic, herbs, there is actually a range of water soluble vitamins potions available * but most are serious or magnifying pigeon racer

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